Here's a commentary: Mr. AT leaves VidLii

Apr 19, 2018
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This is sort of a follow up to my last video where I discussed the current Vidlii drama. This is a commentary on Mr. AT, however a bunch of people share his views so this also counts as a commentary of the anti-Alisson and Jan crowd. I know that this is likely to cause even more drama, but like my last video I think this needed to be made.

Also i'm glad I'm on VidLii because Mr. AT would take this video down on YouTube.

Original video:

All copyrighted stuff belongs to their owners not me.

I'm on Vidi Nation:
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Channeleven (6 years ago)
Sorry to say, but I kinda don't blame him.
Channeleven (6 years ago)
@spiderfan because quite frankly, this site took a major hit in its credibility. The reaction of the moderators doesn’t help matters. The site has been tainted for me and many others, i’m Sorry to say.
BoredWithADHD (6 years ago)
You see someone battling haters and then you call it "complaining about criticism"
Hate and criticism are two totally different things if you didn't know.
I don't understand your morality at all, spiderfan.
If AT wants to battle his haters then let him.
It honestly shouldn't concern you unless you're salty about it for some reason.
That or you're just using his videos as a tool to make videos about.
If that's the case then you're a hater.
Don't mind me, i'm just saying it as it is.
billydameowmeow (6 years ago)
0 Feels like The Gamer From Mars voice....
AustinTheSuperb (6 years ago)
Ok, see ya AT.
DaxIsAwesome (6 years ago)
ok thats good .
Every harraser , weirdo and toxic dude should either get exterminated either leave .
Sorry for being so straight forward and dirrect but , that's what i believe . You think im retarded for that ?
Your against free speech [message to the community not dirrectly to spiderfan sense i didnt have an interaction with him and neither dislike his content]
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Tux (6 years ago)
@DaxIsAwesome Seems that I hitted somebody's nerve so hard.
DaxIsAwesome (6 years ago)
@DaxIsAwesome @Tux so if I do not reply to you that means you hitted my nerve ?
Aaronshy (6 years ago)
I am glad AT is gone! He was awful!
spiderfan (6 years ago)
@Aaronshy Trust me he has been awful for a long time.
Aaronshy (6 years ago)
@Aaronshy @Spiderfan Is he disliking these? 1 Dislike on each of us for saying the truth? He is and forever was awful. He targeted other users for not liking him for crying out loud!
sks2002 (6 years ago)
I think it should be the creator of the channel should be choosing to leave the site, not someone else who tells you to delete your channel. Recently I am loving VidLii but tend to look at the drama side but since the drama side doesn't effect me, then should I delete my channel? Fuck no I wouldn't I Choose to stay on the site not someone who has a coloured lights with technology shit inside looking at it. I repeat it again. ITS YOUR CHOICE, NOT THE OTHERS.

Channeleven (6 years ago)
Sorry to say, but I kinda don't blame him.
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spiderfan (6 years ago)
@Channeleven Why don't ya blame him? Why leave?
Channeleven (6 years ago)
@spiderfan because quite frankly, this site took a major hit in its credibility. The reaction of the moderators doesn’t help matters. The site has been tainted for me and many others, i’m Sorry to say.
GONEforNow (6 years ago)
How did all of this get started?
spiderfan (6 years ago)
@LAWBORN Some trolls got banned and most people on this site decided to side with them as opposed to the site admins.
BoredWithADHD (6 years ago)
@spiderfan you couldn't be more wrong
jhirzel88 (6 years ago)
There's always a good point to be made here! Mr AT Andrei Thomas is a guy that I have supported since day 1. So, it appears that even he is disliking the changes that VidLii has made through the past few weeks. I'm not surprised, something was bound to happen. Now that Wenoo is gone, there's bound to be more drama on here. There's just too much stupidity on this website for me to handle. I just prefer to not get involved. Also, I spend too much time with my online business to really care about uploading videos just for fun. Well, other than that, VidLii could always improve, but there's ONE person who seems to NEVER improve!
Cor955 (6 years ago)
Here's how it goes 1.. Be worthy of being respected, you'll get respect, if you are an asshole, expect to be treated as such. 2. Make sure you have all your information correct with proper citations indicating where your information comes from or be prepared to be laughed out of the room.To quote Teal Deer. Citation needed!
SZAS (6 years ago)
I love how his last video, he said he wouldn't do rant videos anymore, yet what's this? A vidlii/Allison rant.
spiderfan (6 years ago)
@SZAS And he isn't done ranting. He is actually doing another Alisson rant later this week.
AverageAF (6 years ago)
Never really liked the man. Nothing but annoyance came from him. Sort of glad to say he is gone. Just my view.
spiderfan (6 years ago)
@RuthlessIntake I would agree with you.
HighDragon (6 years ago)
it looks like his nose is bleeding
AlesterNoLastNames (6 years ago)
what a dick! he pulled out the gun and shoot me due to my return.
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Date: Apr 19, 2018 Views: 319 Ratings: 27
Time: Comments: 14 Favorites: 4