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JC2022 Joined: Jul 14, 2019 Last Sign In: 11 months ago Subscribers: 10 Video Views: 116 Channel Views: 256
Age: 24
My name is Julius Cruz.
I live in Killeen, TX.
My birthday is 9/25/2000.
I am transgender. (female)
I'm autistic.
I'm Puerto Rican, Korean, Irish, African-American, Brazilian, Polish and Chinese.
Country: United States
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Recent Activity
JC2022 became friends with u (2 years ago)
JC2022 commented on a video (2 years ago)
9x Pop Up Menu Animations for Windo...
@VidLiiStrutterForce Still don't care.
JC2022 commented on a video (2 years ago)
9x Pop Up Menu Animations for Windo...
@VidLiiStrutterForce I don't care.
JC2022 favorited a video (2 years ago)
MUGEN: Malleo Released
Made by Monkeyx 5 Malleo is the best fighter in MUGEN Teh original video:
JC2022 I have logged in to VidLii for the first time in 2 years! I changed my username so a huge group (outside of this site) can not find me and harass me anymore. (2 years ago)
Channel Comments (10)
ramanauskieneedita (7 months ago)
total feet fetish death
JC2022 (2 years ago)
I had no idea that AGKandvideomaker2000 blocked me on VidLii. He was one of the basketball heads who was part of a massive group who massively attacked me, my friends, and my family. We were friends before, but I dumped him for good after that incident. If anyone wants any proof, let me know and I'll send it to you.
JC2022 (2 years ago)
I have logged in to VidLii for the first time in 2 years! I changed my username so a huge group (outside of this site) can not find me and harass me anymore.
JC2022 (5 years ago)
@OGBanEvasion I have NEVER watched that video before, so the answer to your question would be no.
JC2022 (5 years ago)
@JC Well guess what, I was born Septmeber 25th, 2000! Haha, gotcha!
uzacc (5 years ago)
ive had the term jc trademarked since october 6th 2001
JC2022 (5 years ago)
@JC Excuse me, but I'll let you know I was calling myself "JC" since the day I was born.
uzacc (5 years ago)
imposter ass nigga
TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
Welcome to VidLii and thanks for subscribing to me. I appreciate it a lot. How are you?
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